Not too long ago, artist John Romita, Jr. didn’t renew his contract with Marvel Comics after roughly 40 years of working with the publisher. It won’t be for another year until his work with Marvel will come to an end, but the co-creator of Kick-Ass sat down with ComicBook.com and seems very enthusiastic about life after Marvel. “I can do one of two things– just go freelance and play around or I can just sign a one-year contract with somebody to do a storyline that I want.”
During the interview he also mentioned that DC Comics is interested in working with him on a Superman story. Although this isn’t necessarily a confirmation that he’ll be working with DC, he goes on to mention that the story could also apply to either Doctor Strange or Silver Surfer, but says he’s more fascinated by applying the story to Superman.
Romita also has a few plans now that he doesn’t have any publisher tying him down. He’s supposedly talking with some pretty noteworthy creators, like America’s Got Power’s Jonathan Ross, Indestructible Hulk’s Mark Waid, and The Sandman’s Neil Gaiman, to work on creator-owned stories. It’s also mentioned that he may or may not be working on a project with The Walking Dead creator, Robert Kirkman and his production company, Skybound.