In this episode star of nerd dramedy Zero Charisma, Sam Eidson calls in! Sam gives the run down on making the film, his stage productions of Robocop and Aliens and shooting cats in Doritos commercials. Zero Charisma is available on VOD right now! Well worth your hard earned cash! Besides D&D Jake calls in sick and Bub and Pat are left to steer the ship. Pab ( Bub and Pat’s celebrity couple name) review Zero Charisma as the movie of the week. They also give you the latest in the world of nerd news, such as, but not limited to: Quentin Tarantino’s top 10 movies of the year (so far), Jessica Lange leaving AHS, and Blade Runner 2 casting news.
American Horror Story Season 3Blade Runner 2Jessica LangeNerdistPodcastSam EdisonTribeca FilmsZero Charisma