In this episode Danny Mulheron director of Tribeca Film Festival’s Fresh Meat calls in to discuss making cannibal flicks, hot chicks and SJP’s badass name! Danny was such a nice guy we decided to review Fresh Meat as our Movie of the Week! Also Marc Henderson drops by to give us all an over due lesson on Sasquatch hunting, Jake calls in sick (again!) and Pat walks around his neighborhood in the buff. All this and we manage to keep our shirts on!
Danny MulheronFresh MeatPodcastSasquatchtribeca film festival
Hawaiian pizza is not chick pizza haha
…ok maybe a little.
Errn your suppose to have my back. Marc and Pats statements are racist, or ageist or some sort of ist…
LOL! sorry! If it helps (or not) I’ve never ordered a hawaiian pizza myself.