In this episode Michael Berryman calls in to chat about his career and his upcoming role in Rob Zombie’s Lords of Salem. Do yourself a favor and see Mr. Berryman next week at the Motorcity Nightmare convention in Novi MI ( CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS). We also discuss Evil Dead (2013) as our Movie of the Week! Find out why Bub thinks it will probably receive the Academy Award for Greatest Movie Ever Made! Jake calls in sick, Pat wants a podcast orgy and Bub swears alot. We give you all this plus the latest in nerd news such as, but not limited to: Zombie perfume and cologne hits the market, Guillermo Del Toro talks Dark Universe movie and Batman Arkham Origins has been announced.
Batman Arkham OriginsDark UniverseEvil DeadLords of SalemMichael BerrymanMotorcity NightmarePodcast