In this episode Jeremy Fiest and Luke Keith call in to discuss their latest comic book : 7 Percent! Beside badass Sci-Fi comics we also talk about how the TMNT were way cooler in the 90′s and also that these guys have a TMNT comic book! Thom Williams calls in to start the show, Patrick discovers Twinkees aren’t baked and we all learn why Jake is the Mexican Brad Pitt. All this plus we give you the latest in the world of nerd news such as but not limited too: Sam Raimi confirms Evil Dead 4, Charley Day has new movie coming out and the Twinkee will be back in the good ole U.S. of A!
7 PercentEvil DeadJeremy FiestLuke KeithPodcastSam Raimi
Dawn of the ninja is awesome, one problem…..Not enough chapters!