Wednesday 29th January 2014,
Slack Jaw Punks

PODCAST #66: Radio Silence, The Directors Of Devil’s Due!!

Slackjaw January 16, 2014 Podcast No Comments
PODCAST #66: Radio Silence, The Directors Of Devil’s Due!!

In this episode film making group Radio Silence calls in to discuss making Devil’s Due, which happens to be in theaters nationwide starting tomorrow 1-17-2014!! Besides possessed pregnant ladies and demon babies the guys also talk about Little Ceasar pizza and not slapping each other. Bub, Jake and Pat also discuss the one way you do not eat pancakes! EVER! We skip our movie of the week and news section to give you a look back at 2013. The guys lay down the best of what knot 13 had to offer and Bub then tells them why they are wrong. So take listen and be sure to check Devil’s Due! Click below or search Slack Jaw Punks in iTunes!

CronutDevil's DuePope FrancisRadio SilenceV/H/S/2

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