It’s without a doubt that Oldboy (2003) is one of my favorite films. When word hit that it was getting the U.S. treatment I was reluctant to say the least. Then I heard Will Smith and Steven Spielberg were attached and I was devastated. Flashes of Wild Wild West and I,Robot swam through my head. How could these two PG-13 middle america ass hats take on something as gritty, dark and disturbing as Chan-wook Park’s Oldboy? Had Hollywood lost its fucking mind? Eventually the fires settled and word came out that Spike Lee was attached as director without Spielberg and Smith’s involvement. Lee is an unorthodox choice, but Oldboy is an unorthodox film. Spike Lee has never been one to skirt away from controversy and this pairing just might work. My doubts were slowly turning into excitement as casting was announced. Josh Brolin in the lead ( sadly not named Oh Dae-su, but it is set in america and Brolin is not Korean, so I couldnt get too mad) Elizabeth Olsen, Sharlto Copely, Samuel L Jackson and Michael Imperioli… Spike was certainly stacking the deck. Now the only question lingered: Could the remake match that disturbing off the wall flick from Korea? Hard to say, but judging by the trailer Lee and Co are sure as shit giving it a try! Check the trailer out below and keep checking here for new details.