Podcast #31 is now available! Directors of Resolution Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead call in to discuss the flick! Resolution is available on VOD everywhere!
Aaron MoorheadJustin BensonPodcastResolutionTribeca
Podcast #31 is now available! Directors of Resolution Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead call in to discuss the flick! Resolution is available on VOD everywhere!
WHAT are the hints? I listened to this whole interview and have been looking online for like an hour to find the explanation to the ending. Then right when they’re about to explain it you cut them off with some other question and spend the next half hour talking about star wars and the hobbit. I am actually very dissapointed and mislead right now… please help I don’t understand the ending, please…
Hey thanks for listening!Sorry for being misleading but they do give two hints in the interview. The first being It’s there the whole time. The second being there is a noise right at the beginning. While I know it’s not the most helpful hints ever but check out these sites for more clues:
Both sites were given to me by the filmmakers and also contain hints and clues.
We approve of the above links. Thanks for a badass interview chicos.